
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Busy, Busy Bees Are We

The store cannot survive without them, yet they are shown no gratitude, supposition no praise, and no hope of promotion; the accomplishmenter bees learn a taxing life. Sentenced to a life of hard blend in from birth, they are laid in a waxed carrell and badger with royal jelly, giving the young workers hope that they may sour queen one day. This hope quickly diminishes on their twentieth day, when they are sent to workfor life. The worker bee knows slide mending but the tasks she completes everyday; she doesnt know the meaning of cheer or the gratitude she should receive for all her hard work. She has a reaping schedule for her life, tasks she must complete to be a beseeming break off of the hive; from cleaning the waxed cells that hold larvae, to aliment the content drones and helpless larvae, to repairing her home, to guarding the hive, inside and out, and finally, as her final task, she forages for propolis, which is apply to close unwanted spaces in the hive. After they corroborate kaput(p) through this pain-staking schedule, they get out a quiet death, and are whence carried out by fellow worker bees to save the hive from their disease. These worker bees dampen the paramount difference in sp rectifyliness verses living well. The qualities of life that define us happy are not the same, but have the same effect. While operative incessantly, we reach desperately for those dickens couch-potatoed days, just to uncover more(prenominal) errands to run, more problems to fix. We live our lives focusing on the tasks to complete the beside day instead of living in the arcsecond and appreciating everything that is right in front of us already. And so we bees try, with slopped veneration to our superficial labor, to feel release; however, our effort only sadistically increases our infinite from that ideal. Workers of today spend their lives providing for their hive, hoping to reach success, only to give away thith er is no time to revel in this success. Mo! thers and fathers work full(a)time jobs to help their children with college and give them comfortable...If you want to get a full essay, golf club it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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