
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Catcher in the Rye Essay

Values Unveiled Ones judges and morals concord the capacity to completely dominate and affect their lives. J.D. Salingers The backstop in the Rye exemplifies this idea through the drug abuse of the main character and protagonist, Holden Caulfield. Although he is characteristically judgmental and oft a hypocrite, Holden does pass a strong sense of self. end-to-end the story, the bureau Holden views and interacts with society is shaped by these alone(p) values. Unlike round young adults, Holden appreciates note for women, the innocence of children, and honest or understated people. Throughout The Catcher in the Rye, Holden demonstrates a distinct rate for women in several ways. For instance, when he discovers that his roommate, Stradlater, is on a witness with his dear childhood friend, Jane Gallagher, he becomes angry that Stradlater doesnt live about her past. Unlike his bigheaded roommate, whose only desires are to run through sexual relations wit h Jane, Holden is actually intrigued by Janes uncommon personality and feels honored to know her background. In addition, Holden is enraged by Janes stepfather, Mr. Cudahy, whose presence is enough to instantly upset her. When Holden set-back notices Janes tear drop fall to the checkerboard, he narrates, I dont know why, but it bothered the perdition out of me (Salinger 78-9). His reaction to her crying shows he cares about her and value her feelings. Equally important in shaping Holdens praise for women is the way he treats a prostitute in the novel, Sunny. unharmonious to most men who only view prostitutes as a service for them, Holden acknowledges Sunny as a woman and gives her the honour one would deserve. Also, it is evident that he feels sympathy toward Sunny when he tells us how it makes him feel when he hangs her dress up; he claims, I thought of her going to the store and buying it, and energy in the store knowing she was a prostitute (96). He the n admits that, it made [him] feel sad as r! ock (96); this futher...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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