
Monday, January 27, 2014

How closely does Hamlet match Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero? Can he be accepted as a modern tragic hero?

William Shakespeare, English playwright and poet, wrote a total of 37 plays during his lifetime, overlooking his theatrical career in 1590 when he wrote Henry VI. Since then, penalise calamity has been a recurrent genre in his salient works ? famous examples include Julius Caesar, Macbeth, and also Hamlet, which is regarded as unitary of the greatest tragedies of all time. Not only does it contain mixed themes and literary techniques, it also contains the perfect example of a ? sad hero?, as defined by Aristotle (384-322 BC). Student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great, Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who influenced scholars for centuries to come. One of his published works, Poetics, gives a detailed description of what once was the ideal tragic hero. Whether or not Shakespeare read Poetics is entirely open to question, but it is sure that Hamlet embodies many of Aristotle?s notions on tragedy. On the go to pieces hand, a modern tragic hero almost on the whole detaches from Aristotles concepts ? their experiences can happen to anyone, with as little dramatisation as possible. In fact, the lack of extreme characteristics creates not a tragic hero at all, but an anti-hero. According to his book on literary theory, Aristotle believes that art - in any form, whether it be accordance or literature - is ?in its general conception modes of imitation.? This scratch time point in Poetics is the basis on which he builds a large part of his theory on salient poetry. He believes that the true social function of a tragedy is to arouse kindness and fear in the audience to a point where it culminates in a purgation of such emotions ? catharsis. In ancient Greek, the purpose of plays and dramatic performances was not to entertain, but to make for to the good health of the... If you want to get a abounding essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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