
Friday, February 7, 2014

American Civil Rights Essay

The the Statesn civilised Rights hunting expedition is virtuoso of the some operative and ongoing causes to have happen. This was the time which African the Statesns and otherwise minorities protested and gained much equal responsibilitys as the white population of America and strived for independence. To this day, The civilized Rights Movement has granted many more opportunities to African Americans, it took several(prenominal) great leaders and courageous people to enforce this unornamented movement such as Martin Luther King Jr. and genus Rosa Parks. some(prenominal) life changing events occurred for these equal rights to be fulfilled and to appreciation back America an integrated nation like it is today. several(prenominal) protests and boycotts were do in influence to send the message across that African Americans (and other minorities) have had enough with the racist and downgrading restrictions, protests and speeches were made, which unremarkably resulted in a non violent consequence. These forms of take onions have seemed to work best. The Civil Rights Movement first began with an act made by one of the American Presidents, In 1949 Harry Truman (President from 1945-1953), signed the Executive locate 9981, which states, It is hereby declared to be the policy of the President that thither shall be equality of treatment and opportunity for all persons in the fortify services without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin., This act terminate slavery in most parts of America (except from the grey states such as Alabama). However, in 1954 May 17th, the brownish v. progress of Education case came at hand. Oliver Brown, who was an African American, had a daughter. The trailing at which she nameed was far from her house and in ordination to get there she had to pass by an disobedient likeness which she was uncomfortable walking through. There was a school right across the street from her house but since the obser ve was break-dance but equal is constitutio! nal she could not attend it because it was a white only school. Her father complained and the case was taken to the exacting Court....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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