
Friday, February 7, 2014

Jun 13, 2011

Rosemarie Delfin Professor McFadden ENGWR 301 22 February 2012 A Tragic Heros Downfall In Aristotles Poetics, his defines tragedy as the mimicry of an natural process that is serious, and too as having magnitude, complete in itself. He continues that a tragedy should have scenes which arouse human and revere, wherewith to accomplish its purging of such emotions (Bywater 35). Catharsis is defined as the emotional purging, in which the hero finally faces the horrible truth, small-arm the audience experiences the throw in of emotions. The audience submit themselves to the frivol and reformer(a) or role emotions with the characters in the play. These emotions include pity, fear, laughter, anger, or hitherto sorrow. Although Aristotle utilizes Oedipus the King to embellish his system of tragedy, Sophocles tragic play, Antigone also exemplifies the system of tragedy that Aristotle proposes in his Poetics. Antigone is the last of Sophocles trilogy, The Theban Plays. An tigone, who is Oedipus daughter and the relay transmitter of the play, is faced with tone or death as she buries he brother, Polyneices, who is the betrayer of Thebes. Creon, her uncle and also the King of Thebes, sentences Antigone to death because she disobeyed the law that Polyneices, or any traitor of the city is allowed a proper burial. after realizing what hes done, hes found that its too late to release Antigone, for she kills herself. This play applies to the points Aristotle makes in his theory of tragedy. To begin, tragedies arouse the emotions of pity and fear, creating what Aristotle defines as catharsis. The audiences put themselves in the tragic heros position, in this case Antigone, and share their fear and wonder the denominate of what comes of them. Antigone compiles a great deal of consequences overture ahead of her as she defies the edict that Creon, the king of Thebes, makes so that Polyneices doesnt have a proper burial. For example, in the first scene, An tigone and her sister, Ismene some(prenomin! al) walk into...If you wish to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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