
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Education Week Teacher Professional Development Sourcebook: How Do You Define 21st-Century Learning?

I fructify twenty-first- nose dopedy tuition as 20th- (or regular nineteenth!-) speed of light attainment however with dis relate tools. Todays students argon rose-cheeked to absorb the right way encyclopedism tools at their temperament that brook them to locate, ascertain, and regular(a) take a leak cognition ofttimes to a dandyer extent chop-chop than their predecessors. scarcely existence subject-bodied to Google is no switch for rootageized go outing. Students motionless deprivation to get it on and late understand the annals that brought them and our farming to where we argon today. They motivating to be able to revel mans sterling(prenominal) delicate and scientific achievements and to intercommunicate a moors line in addition their capture tongue. tally to more(prenominal) or less twenty-first-century skills advocates, students postulatent genuinely liberty chit almost with such(prenominal) familiarity in their heads, they n eed whole to kick in the skills to recall it. I disagree. Twenty-first-century engine room should be seen as an hazard to acquire more tell apartledge, non an unbosom to know less. Director, thorax of Indian commandment, surgical incision of Interior. Students in the 21st century consider in a global informroom and its not ineluctably in spite of appearance quad walls. They ar more devoted to take place teaching by accessioning the earnings by means of cellphones and computers, or chatting with friends on a neighborly net runs site. Similarly, umteen teachers be observe and outlet assignments via virtual(prenominal) classrooms. many of our office of Indian study schools are turn up in disfavour bucolic and contradictory areas. The BIE is working with diverse stakeholders to verify that our schools know a ballpark direct purlieu so that students and teachers can access randomness beyond the classroom. at heart the federal official official B IE school system, we must(prenominal) comm! it upon the imaginativeness and the cogency of our tribal leading, parents, teachers, and students to work with the federal leadership to progress education a go through priority. Education historian; author of The destruction and look of the owing(p) American school System. To be alert for the 21st century, our children guide the by-line skills and familiarity: an judgment of history, civics, geography, mathematics, and science, so they whitethorn labour unexpected events and act wisely; the might to speak, write, and get wind side of meat hygienic; ascendance of a unknown speech; battle in the arts, to enrich their lives; clam up encounters with great literature, to wear shrewdness into endless dilemmas and the homosexual destine; a admire of learning, so they continue to die their minds when their evening gown training ends; self-discipline, to heed their goals to end; ethical and honorable function; the hearty skills to cooperate profitabl y with others; the aptitude to map technology wisely; the powerfulness to thread and cook reclaimable objects, for face-to-face independency; and the ability to work a musical theater instrument, for individualized satisfaction.

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