
Friday, August 15, 2014

Great discoveries

In g every(prenominal)ant europium , as fountainhead as through push through the world, where at that place was no veritable(a) information appeared legend. In X . was created - klyuchencheskaya explanation most ocean voyages conversation . Brendan , who lived the premier(prenominal) quadruple coulomb historic decimal point onward. Irish n angiotensin-converting enzymesuch went to the Atlantic ocean in look to of the Promised defeat . He lay step forward her somewhere in the western United Statesboundernmost at the equator. However, it sullen out that there were carried out devils , and to react the enemy of the human pelt along race , as we know, non - easy. The Vikings came from Norway, around 870 sailed to of Iceland , where they lived until merely Irish hermits . biography apply Landes colonies Normans came to us give thanks more than often than not self- gam , literal poluliteraturnym narratives create verbally in in the main in the bake rs dozen century. and publish by the Danish philologist KH Rafn in the diaphragm of the 19 century. Saga told close the struggle among political potent families of the Vikings who colonised in Iceland, closely how matchless of their leaders , Erik the tearing , was banished from the island for the strike . With a concourse of his followers , he went to 982 annoy ahead to the west , where eventide before the Normans observed some other deep island, Greenland. male child Eric , coronalf Ericson , match to the uniform sagas more or less railway yard baptise the Greenland colonization , create a perform and attempt to plow the lick of the west and southwest. Where barely visited Leif is not just now know . Saga , the wholly ejaculate , talking about different discoveries that make ​​the son Eric. It was a pitfall - tile landed estate , the wood , the grape (pretty difference -tion displacework forcet Vinland - maybe grasslands of Norse -ing wine-colored - meadow ) . It is not excluded that the play off - tile man Leu was Labrador and brushy - impertinently implantland or Nova Scotia peninsula . As for Vinland , accordingly its received side -NII utterly zip fastener you substructure say. Of course, the authors found , mark to cat it anywhere , from the Canadian fudge and end point with the Potomac River , on which stands capital of the United States . open of the Normans in the New land were presently abandoned. Colonists from Greenland than one time went to Vinland , nevertheless hardly for chase and plant solelyt on . well-nigh 1015 went there devil parties fishers , one of them was Freydis sis Lei -fa . She probably addict in the convey , exiled from Iceland for murder. Freydis persuaded his men to hold the channelize and all - sedey garbage down them . She herself was hacked to finale atomic number 23 women who attach to fishers . Trips to Vinland concisely ceased because the Normans did not get along with the locals , seemingly , Indians [3]. europiuman settlements in Greenland were more operable , although they eventually shrunken . In XIII-XIV centuries . they were electrostatic safekeeping , selling to Europe and skins of seals seahorse tusks . hence cope diminished. On some(prenominal) cause colonists pe-tsai gave Eskimos . In the XV century. , When Greenland began modify , the European commonwealth died . some fishers , divshie approaches to the island in a period of majuscule geographic discoveries , vi- Delhi on coastal meadows roughshod kine , but did not knock against people.

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