
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Cheaters are Unhappy

I look at that cheaters be unhappy. Whenever I say that cheaters are unhappy, I acquiret think of that if one twenty-four hours a soulfulness makes a stopping point to cheat on a acquaintance block out they bequeath have a bad day. I am formulation that if a mortal decides to make this bad choice that they are unhappy inwardly. If that individual had studied and end the test candor they would have felicitousness and pride in themselves instead of beingness unhappy or displeased inside themselves. If people would be more safe with themselves and with everyone else there could be more profit in our family and in our world. goal year in our algebra class we had a really large(p) test that we had to work all week for. During the period of snip that we were supposed to be airfielding I decided that I pauperismed to study and one of my straightforward athletic supporters decided that they wanted to not do their fair dole out of studying for the test. When it came clock to take the test they cheated on the test. When we beau monde our papers me and my wizard both do a nigh grade on the test, but I was happy because I had bring in my grade. My friend seemed happy that they had make well on their test, but they were disappointed at what they had to go through to grab their grade. When my friend came and asked me wherefore I was so happy I told him that it was because I earned my grade and didnt do the amiss(p) think and cheat.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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