
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Who killed Kennedy: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly Unspeakable?

ccording to the documents, experiments in affable manipulation were conducted on hundreds of un cognizeing subjects using drugsincluding heroin, opium, mescaline and the recently synthesized LSD, hypnosis, electroshock and abiding electrodes in the brain, downstairs the supervision of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb (born Joseph Scheider of Hungarian Jewish immigrants), top of the so-c anyed adept Services mental faculty of the CIA. Although Helms illegally destroy almost all MKULTRA archives in 1975, some documents, re growd by Colin Ross in bluebird: Deliberate trigger of Multiple temperament by Psychiatrists (2000), try the extent of the CIAs look control experiment. A document from may 1955 outlines the goal of the chemical Division of the good Services staff of the CIA: the dis gallopy of materials and methods allowing to garble soulality anatomical structure in such a sort that the tendency of the pass catcher to become parasitic upon a nonher person is enhanced; a nd, to produce amnesia for correctts forego and during their use. \nA free CIA report go out February 10, 1954, describes an experiment regarding the mental hospital of unsuspecting assassins: a youthful madam who had previously express a idolise of sexarms was programmed under hypnosis to pick up a pistol and fire it at except. She was instructed that her warmth would be so great that she would not hesitate to kill. Miss carried out these suggestions including run the (unloaded) gun at, and then(prenominal) proceeded to fall into a deep sleep. subsequently proper suggestions were made, two were awakened. Miss express absolute abnegation that the foregoing episode had happened.\nRaised in a self-righteous Christian family, Sirhan Sirhan was cognise as fundamentally non-violent, and whoremasternot explain his lick to himself: My own scruples doesnt agree with what I did. Its against my upbringing: my childhood, my family, church, prayers, the Bible. And here (predicate) I go and splatter this guys brain. Its effective not me. whatever one thinks round the strength of Pipers quest of Israel in bottom Kennedys character assassination, it is hard to evacuate suspecting an Israeli meaning in the assassination of his brother Robert. How else can we explain the feature that the patsy accuse of the crime, Sirhan Sirhan, was this time a Palestinian young man allegedly motivated by his hatred of Israel? \nPages in Sirhans diary (of which he would claim no memory) were filled with insistent expressions of anger at RFK for his promise to parcel out military legions to Israel, if elected: RFK essential die, RFK must be killed. The assassination of Robert Kennedy is therefore remembered in trivial history (as fence to deep history) as the first influence of international terrorist act carried out on American speck and motivated by the Palestinians hatred for Israel. \n formerly we recognize it as a stupid flag scenario, Roberts a ssassination bears the stamp of Israel. inclined the profile of his incriminate assassin Sirhan Sirhan, could Roberts assassination have something to do with the attack on the USS Liberty by the Israeli regular army a twelvemonth earlier, almost to the day, and with Johnsons willingness to cover it up? The move will belike remain eternally unanswered, but what we admit of Johnsons unbridled mental disease makes it conceivable that he bargained the impunity of Israel for the near drop of the USS Liberty in exchange for the transfer of his mortal enemy. What we know of Johnsons key use of goods and services in linking the destinies of Israel and the U.S. makes it even possible that the incubate was only routine of a mystifying pact.

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