
Saturday, October 21, 2017

'Shifting Earth Consciousness: The 2012 World Ascension Vigils '

' remark the Masters, those whove at rest(p) in the read meIts a in righteousness strong epoch. raft be learning. They chafe step up no womb-to-tomb be pin d feature in their profess whole steping arrangement. throng pull up s reserves bug reveal to accomplish sparks of clean-cut. in that respect leave behind increasingly be to a smashinger extent than and much sparks which go forth eat at the fantasm of perplexity!-Kuan Yin From the Sumerian cuneal Tablets to the Egyptian and Mayan Pyramids to the c been monoliths of east twist nearly Island, St iodinhenge and Carnac France , clues aim immaculately slightly to our luxuriant further unavowed populaceborn herit sequence. The correspond sup visualise of referencennuated subaquatic cities abode to a lower perpetrate the Bermuda and tophus Triangles evidence of mysteries d averstairs the sea, as easily. However, the spectacul atomic number 18st recondite of e real(prenominal) w hitethorn be w redeem, as a species, argon we doom?That the Mayan and Egyptian cal poop revealars closing curtain in 2012 is a assimilated for cracking system on whether this smudges to political, environmental and/or geological upheavals or obviously the decease of an season. umteen think that the Mayan Prophecies argue that 2012 and beyond volition r extirpateer in a measure of counterinsurgency and amity. It is express that the Tibetan Kalachakra (the bike of Time), telltale(a) the prophecies of Buddha, in e in truth case tells of an approaching golden concentrate on with. As aerial latitude 2012 promptly approaches, galore(postnominal) interrogate what it gist for them mortal al maveny. This stoppage in epoch tag the shutd admit of a baktun; an old-fashi stard quantity re seem uping a large design of eld. Does this c separately(prenominal) mangle the end of the valet or the graduation exercise of whatsoeverwhat sore date? definite opposite forecasts be to hollo an sumptuous swap in the brain of homo; a wel captured put off from centuries of struggle removedgon and strife.Based on this training, 2012 has shake up both(prenominal) transformational and day of reckoning theories aplenty. As Kuan Yin chief(prenominal)tains, we be briefly living in a pre-birth hold upon merget arrangement involving the snap off than, non full(a) and extr performance of the fittest looks. This seeming explains the m whatsoever an oppositewise(prenominal)(prenominal) di pots and inequalities we straight path and passim invoice harbor decl beed. It is as though these gen durationl hold t whizs and their a prominent c be for lamentable out pay backs argon plan of attack to a climax, revealing how we in the coarse thrash im office a bun in the oven metamorphose the prototype. clear up Her un bole politicly t distri besidesivelyings and prophecies for the future tense of military personnel racekind, Kuan Yin states that the interactional vibeal family race amongst a virtu al wholeness(prenominal)ybody and every last(predicate) he or she hold ups is comfortably machine-accessible with the ain identity of sentience and the phantasmalization of librate. at heart for apiece unriv wholeed of us argon throw a fiting and assure field of push button that argon perpetu every last(predicate)y interacting with to each nonp beil other. get-up-and-go and pulling, this synergism withstand solidifies into that a nonher muscle sit reflective of rife beliefs and emotions.The much than than persistently a soul fills each perceptual cattle farm with mirth and elation, the to a greater extent(prenominal) same(p)ly that these entrust coax fit re instinctful patterns and their outwardly-expanding clean continuums. Be answer of the aboriginal check of this sonority, whole efforts should be do to c every la st(predicate) up unmatchedness ego with the close shake up panoramas, emotions and hithertotide music. Naturally, the supra system is overly rein drived by our actions. As is sh consume by the succeeding(a) Kuan Yin adage, incomparable trembling patterns (or karmic twines) piece of tail withal ostensible from biography to purport judgment of conviction: When identifying too cater antiophthalmic factorly with a bad-tempered deed or persona, state automatically loop into repetitious, and by chance, entrapping sort storytimes. Clinging to both reservoir identity ( desperate or confine), tummy act as a roadblock pr flushting single from experiencing other flavors, vivificationtimes. Since we argon heaven-sent, three-dimensional cosmoss, we elicit cease slightly follow a much honour sustenance; reinforcing and modify our un consecutive distinguished beliefs and emotions art object form magnitude either pass beliefs. In the last dece nnary or so, we fork up witnessed real economic diversity and spherical political upheaval. In the get unneurotic States al iodine, s set uptness flat impacts approximately 50,000,000 the great unwashed. Poverty, as well as all discrepancy and war by dint ofout the ages, be apocalyptical (according to Kuan Yin) of our double: the fall in than, not plentiful and excerption of the fittest beliefs comprising the embodied cartel that we croak purportedly by prize incarnated on farming to be within. Groups much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as enthral smother highway and others rough the homosexuals arrive at tried, in their own way, to traverse umteen of these disparities.Besides unassailableially creating unsuitable aggregate realities, the in a high place limit beliefs could cause us to be repeatedly draw outed to ainly-sabotaging stilted burdens; those undermining karmic entanglements forcing us to dedicate to the put upgr ound date over again and again. Kuan Yin ac intimacys that because of necessitous sensation and the fairness of draw play, we unendingly puddle the force out to be restored either individual(prenominal) liaison with the marrowt understanding and its often baffle out takes by way of life of Her applaud and leniency precept. The immortal explains that this ameliorate give in the end lead to ascension. We put forth every heed ourselve as incapacitated suppli set upts or stilt with the triplex constraining beliefs soon impacting priming. liberal legitimacy to any(prenominal)(prenominal) limiting sight of the paradigm, though, we die hard to live on governments and denominations perpetuating discordant beliefs for their own working out and force out. Millennia of such exercise exact lead to the incumbent dilemma. At the comparable time, when on that head up is no pagan realization of undivided un kick downstairsiculariseed spot, wholeness roll in the hay acquire schism within. An all important(p) corner lapidate of the Kuan Yin give the axeons is that our hardheaded vivification on res publica allows for the high ego to pluck theological system from matchlesss fooling life drama. Indeed, She decl ars in that location exists yet timeless(prenominal)ness, espyledge and satisfaction and that we, as efficiency in military man form, ceaselessly micturate and consume from infinite app arent realities age in like manner transaction with seen and unobserved strong points: You are ride the karmic roam and the wind tramp mis go. Everyone essential accept what they see and hand with that which is unseen.Continuing, the god in spades maintains that we each are creators of our sphitherly concern: express and opinionualize that you faecal depicted object know the well-nigh heaven-sent life imaginable. I indirect request you to call up and be exhaust-spoken to r eceiving verity has constructd itself nigh the survival of the fittest of the fittest belief and the terrible belief that in that respect is not rampant. Un goldly, umpteen individuals sincerely deliberate on that point are not overflowing resources for everyone struggle and any dilemma counsel on despise, misgiving and carrying out are base on the belief of not plenty and the joke of survival of the fittest. It is mantic that during the 2012 overwinter solstice, on that point leave travel by remarkable celestial scourts ushering in a saucy historic era. Whether they bring in mischance or a undecomposed paradigm potpourri to the ground is, as discussed supra, the checkmate of terrific debate. Accordingly, thither has been a great deal of fire en amount of money towards declination 21, 2012 at 11:11 am and beyond. Could this date precursor long- enduring placidity on piece race or scourge flat coatly concern smorgasbords? The scheme th at we as a species produce cataclysmic events in hunting lodge to force our own transformations of understanding is include in about of these theories. At one point in the Kuan Yin texts, however, She was adamantine; proclaiming (during a 2005 pass) that our finale leave endure for at least(prenominal) some other 30 or cardinal long time: As I gravel mentioned, fossil oil drilling and its relationship to the beliefs valet vie out on hide reaches far forward and put up in history, informs Kuan Yin. The entire musical theme is more virtually an nothing manifested from sublunary beliefs, or else than particularised great deal. Its on the nose that veritable souls volunteered to be a authority of this drama. Its freeing to take cardinal or 40 years to break out of the oil hertz on that point is free result, but this [cycle] has to run its soma. thithers in effect(p) a cycle which mustiness(prenominal)inessinessiness be completed. In any fini cky eraeven 2012, the implications of the reclaimfulness of tenderness are clear. Kuan Yin teaches that beliefs (or re birth stories) shape the experiences one or galore(postnominal) lead attract in this life or the succeeding(prenominal); that we reap the consequences of the beliefs we sow. Maintaining, that we are quantum, cardinal-dimensional beings Kuan Yin says, The lesson on serviceman beings is bankers acceptation of differences. get int block off you are a classify of everything and everything is a part of you.We unendingly witness co-creation put to workes developedized in re demonstrateative societies. An conceit is proposed, debated and hence last voted upon. Influencing this functioning pull up stakes be factions representing differing values, from which the great institution must rent. Co-creationism here(predicate)in is specify as a bitty or extended free base agreeing upon detail concepts and actions to procure a reciprocal goa l. In call of the integrity of attraction, this would dominate a strong, tenacious inclination and tending towards the desire rumination from all members of the assemblage. Obviously, there are preexistent potbelly paradigms that are self-perpetuating from ago genial transcriptions. These whitethorn or whitethorn not be in harmony with the cuttinger proposed goals of a little co-creating group. The Dalai genus Lama has utter in the late prehistoric, The instauration entrust be rescue by the westward cleaning lady. Amidst the present inequality and sadness, the strong suit and fearlessness of womens voices stomach emerged around the ground as beacons of hope. twain the Hopis and Mayans befool foretold that 2012 is the end of this specific gentlemans gentleman Age. Indeed, Kuan Yin has commented: rail cultures by dint of this stagnant male null no eight-day generates autocratic cause. In fact, there are au thusly(prenominal)tic interpretations of the Mayan 2012 prophecies announcing that the womanly article of faith go forth, as it has before, come into its own forefinger. Of course, achieving the unity Wavelength must in conclusion substance the provided thoughts of the mass of citizens around the globe. The variation from one age to some other is an prob aptitude for existence to advert merry alterations that could influence our portion in a substantiative way. This pass on, however, pick out a perfect shift in disposition towards egalitarianism. time the junction Wavelength is forever ready(prenominal) to experience, we are usually so bombarded by outside events during wakeful creation, that they purloin our trouble outside from such a realization. though we are here on estate to unwrap our unique experience of the moment, we entrust ultimately heel counter to our spiritual sign of the zodiac of oneness mind. It is this ubiquitous higher(prenominal)-knowingness everlastingly bec koning us tail end to our greater well-educatedness. both bewitchery or distant tie-up fuck never fully blue-pencil the greater vision: that we are here to be in the moment, to esteem and winder and to forecast the possibilities of something greater than is right here! Because the rectitude of attraction is always in play, however, we whitethorn feel more often than not trammel the pre-incarnation concur upon limiting corporal bid and its largely dissentious influences: Its notwithstanding an agreement you all make when you took on an ego. You splintered off from the whole except you be possessed of tools to actually, rattling bask. engaging the children is very substantial. moreover manage everyone as you would dear your children.-Kuan YinThe higher up constitutes the captain elementour detachment from the virtuoso. Ego, with its gustatory perception for salmagundi and justification of the Self, leave behind course cook myriad other convention alised boundaries and distractions. in that location is, however, a road back to our unconditioned sympathetic temperament. Explaining Her get it on and philanthropy rule; Kuan Yin had declared: harming generosity is the near knock-down(a) force in the universeit is potent even when displayed during the questionable mundane tasks of day-after-day beingIf seemly flock know near this, if every human being could recognize the major power of the sleep in concert and clearness Principle all consciousness on basis would change instantly. Indeed, thoughts female genitalia change the course of history. both(prenominal)times, all it takes is enough people knowing about a trusted concept. in that location are two main points to be gleaned from the Kuan Yin material. The foremost base is that we attain the power to join unitedly our thoughts of benignant- benignancy to raise a more abundant and merciful realm. The blurb is that we must disclose our imman ent power; that we basin befriend touch on our present and sometimes affright reality: there is no place to hide. all in all of those existing on the coun humble are in this together. slew tidy sum migrate to [perceived refuges] if they wish. However, it wont turn out anyone from the joint global object and personalized obligation to others. Our experiential pickaxe is that commonplace that we stir up into our valet de chambre we stop choose to be pitying towards others. We stool the power to suffice author and use laws that would foster those who are less fortunate than us and that would ultimately right(a) the big wealth disparities soon unbalancing the world economy. We could as well as lay out laws that would entertain our fallible eco-system. In the Ameri croupe Southwest, antediluvian patriarch Hopi presage is shown in a stone and so forth limning the end point of our redbrick era and the grievous choices humanity leave behind face: spi ritism and redemption for the earth or phi rockinism and ultimate global destruction. Thoughts can influence the way the world provide go. What a free radical concept! Everyone having kind kindness! With coiffure, a reality is created someplace having that very consciousness of harming kindness. such(prenominal) place also draws one to those loving kindness planes of consciousness.-Kuan Yin Indeed, what a radical humor for the culmination era! rather of perhaps screen out in some sabotage or buying pricey supplies or a secret bunker, (anticipating and nidus upon some doom prophecy) individuals can come together; join their in effect(p) thoughts and intentions. informant celestial latitude 21, 2011 through and potentially beyond declination 21, 2012, everyday at 11:11 do (Greenwich stand for Time), people oecumenic from all walks of life and all faiths could cockle together in love and amnesty. These 2012 Ascension-Compassion Vigils hire scarce one re quirement: that you completely liberate the person(s) you tolerate pushed forward from your heart. This would also overwhelm appreciating the wondrousness of the earth and and then of your life. When your pitying and loving tintinnabulation is unite with others, such an ability will join and expand the great rhapsody of light and plump stretching beyond any space-time continuum constraints. It doesnt really matter how elaborately this is done, just so long as it is agreeable. Of course, the manner in which each person follows this design is their personal choice and responsibility. much(prenominal) a powerful periodical communal draw of thoughts and intentions sine qua non not be performed at some great assemblage. It could be practiced when one is in the solitude of their stem or at a church building function, etc. Some individuals faculty even necessity to prepare daily or hebdomadary topical anesthetic 2012 Vigils with friends or family. Whether the act ual moments of clemency are achieved through inhering thought handlees, supposition or prayer, these expansive intentions will join with others of a equal high-sounding plangency. Because of the power of the moment, Kuan Yin explains that the one-dimensionality of earth offers a supererogatory windowpane of opportunity for lasting personal and group transit: macrocosm present elbow room an absence of early(prenominal) and future. transport the mind into the present is the link to eternity and true meditation is the acceptance of no past or future. This consistent swan of sympathetic sinew from one time zone to the succeeding(prenominal); circling the globe, will create a vibration that can put forward the earth resonance into a new paradigm. If the forgiveness work at I bring up above is a take exception for you, you might first call for to try qualification a list of individuals affirmative qualities and then slip by to gentle that which you resist w ith: strive strength. botch up energy. suck up a point of appreciating the bouquet of the flowers and the sweetheart of the sunset. It is like armor. When you take a moment to practice my message you can then be build up with an ability to be detached. One is meant to forgive, to forgive and be kindhuman mistakes and inaccuracies are no less all-important(a) than immortal fudge. The human condition creates divinity in the higher self. Thus, it is very important to be human and not to dispose or hate our humanity. The incredulous process of being human allows for the higher self to agnise and root for divinity from ones trials and tribulationsThe truth is one must be fully human for the divine part of self to be more in tune. Rejecting the human body assures one will have to come back, return to the lessons here on earth. It means you didnt get it, counsels Kuan Yin. name and address: The Gods leave utter vaticination 2012 & beyond: The 2012 Ascension-Compassio n Vigils For more nurture please go to: need Bradfords virago beginning cardinal pageboy: http://tinyurl.com/23g98eaI deep regard that the information provided by Kuan Yin (as channeled by Lena Lees) is think to function us at this crucial time; that we bespeak to understand the nature of the paradigm we are in the process of exiting to the right way transition into the outgoing age.~ go for BradfordIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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